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Accumulation Effect

The more floats you do within a shorter time frame, the more you can benefit from the experience. The accumulation effect allows you to go deeper in each float, both physically and mentally.


An increased frequency allows you to go deeper each time as if carrying on from the last float. This is caused by physiological adaptations from repeat exposure to sensory deprivation. Sort of like exercise where you exhibit repeat exposure to physical stress and your body adapts to that by building more muscle and getting stronger. As you expose yourself more and more to sensory deprivation, your body learns how to relax.

Suggested Frequency

Starting out, for truly optimal results, floating 2-3 times a month is a great way to dive into the practice. For those really keen, floating once a week is incredible. However, even 1-2 floats/month is a great start too. 

It may take a few floats...


Many people can easily sink into the depths of a float session on their very first try. However, we are all formed by our life experiences a little differently and for others, it may take 2-3 floats before a deeper connection is made, this is normal.


Once you've cleared your first 10 floats, done within one of the frequencies suggested above, you should be able to see how floating can benefit you and your life. Then typically 1-2 floats/month is a great place to be. Even taking little breaks is good and then coming back with greater intensity (e.g. 3 floats in 2 weeks) is excellent. If life is getting busy and you are starting to FEEL the stress accumulating, this is a SIGN that you should float, and where floating can be supporting you and your life. When things are rolling smoothly, this is when floating less makes sense, but when sh*t is hitting the fan, that is the time to carve out a float every week or two to support your central nervous system, your mind, your actions, and behaviours. 

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