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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Float Therapy?Enter into 10" of water with 1000 lbs of Epsom salt. Float therapy is a tool to reset the mind and body. It removes external stimulation for the mind. And it creates a weightless effect on your body.
How clean is the water?There are ~1000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our tanks. Salinity is on average around 1.27 grams per cubic centimeter. The higher and higher the salt concentration, the lower and lower the ability for microorganisms to thrive in the water. This automatically gives floatation tanks a leg up on cleanliness when compared to public pools and hot tubs. Before each session, all clients are required to shower prior to entering the tank. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is filtered through a potent filtration and sterilization system. You can find a more detailed explanation in the section below! Float Water Sanitation: At Float House Surrey, water sanitation is our top priority so we can provide a safe experience for every client. Our treatment process ensures maximum cleanliness and complies with Fraser Health standards. At the end of your float, a soothing wake-up song will signal the end of your session. As you exit and step into the post-float shower, our filtration cycle begins. + Micron Filtration The Micron Filtration System`s custom X-100 filter is able to filter particles from the water to 1 micron in size and is both NSF 50 and FDA compliant for drinking water (Class 1 Filtration). Our filters are 25 times finer than standard swimming pool filters. + UV Light & Ozone Ozone is injected automatically into the system for 15 minutes during each filtration cycle. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, destroying dangerous organisms and pathogens including chlorine resistant contaminants. During the entire filtration cycle, UV-C lamps are used to help sterilize the solution. UV-C uses powerful rays of light to prevent the spread of microorganisms, harmful bacteria, viruses, cysts and protozoa. + Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) When germicidal UV light (UV-C) reacts with ozone, the result is the production of hydroxyl radicals. This reaction is known as the Advanced Oxidation Process, or AOP. Hydroxyl radicals (OH-) are the most powerful oxidation agents available, quickly destroying bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants that occur in water. Hydroxyl radicals also destroy chlorine and bromine resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia and E.Coli. + Multiple Filtration Cycles Our filtration system is activated for 20-30 mins between each client, which effectively performs 4-6 full cycles through our treatment cycle. + Chemical Usage We maintain a residual level of bromine to comply with Fraser Health guidelines. Our staff manually test and balance the water multiple times per day to uphold optimal conditions.
Can I float with my partner?All of our tanks accommodate only 1 person. We do have multiple rooms so you can bring your partner, friend, or family member and still float at the same time (but in different rooms).
Water ContaminationContamination of our water is a serious offence and carries a financial penalty of minimum $1000. This represents the costs of shutdown and replacement of the solution. Essential oils, soap, hair dye and bodily fluids are strictly prohibited.
Hair DyeBrightly coloured non-permanent hair dye is not allowed in our tanks unless a clean swim cap is used. Hair dye can stain our white float tanks and often requires draining, sanding and polishing procedures to repair. Permanent (natural coloured) hair dye is fine and won’t be an issue.
ScentsFloat House offers a scent free space and we kindly ask all clients to refrain from using essential oils and perfume/cologne in the float rooms.
TattoosFloating and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful in the salt water but the solution could cause fading or discoloration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. How long you should wait before floating depends on the tattoo and how quickly it heals, but tattoo artists/floaters we have talked to have suggested waiting 4-6 weeks.
Do I need a bathing suit?We strongly recommend floating in the nude, as wearing a swim suit can take away from the sensory deprivation experience. If you feel more comfortable wearing one, you must wear a clean swim suit in the tank.
What if I'm claustrophobic?You are in complete control of your float experience; meaning you can exit and re-enter the float as many times as you need. Most (if not all) of our clients with worries about claustrophobia, come out post-float with all preconceived anxiety diminished.
What if I fall asleep?It’s not dangerous to fall asleep in the tank. In fact, it is very normal to doze off into light stages of sleep during a session. Some people even use floating for this purpose! One hour of sleep in the tank can be equivalent to 4 hours of regular sleep.
Can I float while pregnant?Yes! In fact, pregnant women probably get more relief from the float tank than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body. The float tank is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. We do, however, recommend that pregnant women avoid floating during the first trimester. If you have any concerns about the effects of floating on your pregnancy, we ask you to consult and get permission from your physician before you float.
What if I can't swim?The water in our tanks is only 10″ deep so you can sit up comfortably without having to swim. Since the water is super-saturated with 1000lbs of Epsom salts, you simply lay down and the water will completely support you. Trust the water!
I have some cuts, can I still float?We recommend against floating with large cuts or abrasions. Small cuts are ok, but we recommend using the Vaseline provided to create a barrier between your wound and the water (to minimize the sting!). If you are recovering from a surgery, we suggest waiting until your incisions are fully healed.
I recently shaved or had a body wax, can I still float?We suggest waiting 1 day after shaving and a few days after getting a body wax before coming in to float.
What if I get water in my eyes?To be frank, it's going to sting! But don’t worry, you can just open the door, grab a towel, dab the salt from your eyes, then get back in the tank. You can also hang a face cloth from the interior handle of the lid so it’s available to use just in case.
Will my skin get wrinkly?No. The high Epsom salt content of the water means that the water will not draw the salt from your skin and cause wrinkles like a bath or pool does. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal treatment for various skin conditions. It is non-toxic and is not harmful if swallowed (although it does not taste good!). Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which is why many people feel silky smooth after their float session.
Do I have to stay in the whole time?You aren’t locked in, so you can get out anytime. That said, the 75-minutes usually goes by a lot faster than you’d expect.
Can I leave the door open?Yes. Many first time floaters prefer to leave the lid open for the first few minutes to help them orient to the tank. That being said, it is not recommended to leave the tank open for the entire session as the air temperature can change, altering the overall experience.
What is Float Therapy?Enter into 10" of water with 1000 lbs of Epsom salt. Float therapy is a tool to reset the mind and body. It removes external stimulation for the mind. And it creates a weightless effect on your body.
How clean is the water?There are ~1000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our tanks. Salinity is on average around 1.27 grams per cubic centimeter. The higher and higher the salt concentration, the lower and lower the ability for microorganisms to thrive in the water. This automatically gives floatation tanks a leg up on cleanliness when compared to public pools and hot tubs. Before each session, all clients are required to shower prior to entering the tank. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is filtered through a potent filtration and sterilization system. You can find a more detailed explanation in the section below! Float Water Sanitation: At Float House Surrey, water sanitation is our top priority so we can provide a safe experience for every client. Our treatment process ensures maximum cleanliness and complies with Fraser Health standards. At the end of your float, a soothing wake-up song will signal the end of your session. As you exit and step into the post-float shower, our filtration cycle begins. + Micron Filtration The Micron Filtration System`s custom X-100 filter is able to filter particles from the water to 1 micron in size and is both NSF 50 and FDA compliant for drinking water (Class 1 Filtration). Our filters are 25 times finer than standard swimming pool filters. + UV Light & Ozone Ozone is injected automatically into the system for 15 minutes during each filtration cycle. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, destroying dangerous organisms and pathogens including chlorine resistant contaminants. During the entire filtration cycle, UV-C lamps are used to help sterilize the solution. UV-C uses powerful rays of light to prevent the spread of microorganisms, harmful bacteria, viruses, cysts and protozoa. + Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) When germicidal UV light (UV-C) reacts with ozone, the result is the production of hydroxyl radicals. This reaction is known as the Advanced Oxidation Process, or AOP. Hydroxyl radicals (OH-) are the most powerful oxidation agents available, quickly destroying bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants that occur in water. Hydroxyl radicals also destroy chlorine and bromine resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia and E.Coli. + Multiple Filtration Cycles Our filtration system is activated for 20-30 mins between each client, which effectively performs 4-6 full cycles through our treatment cycle. + Chemical Usage We maintain a residual level of bromine to comply with Fraser Health guidelines. Our staff manually test and balance the water multiple times per day to uphold optimal conditions.
Can I float with my partner?All of our tanks accommodate only 1 person. We do have multiple rooms so you can bring your partner, friend, or family member and still float at the same time (but in different rooms).
Water ContaminationContamination of our water is a serious offence and carries a financial penalty of minimum $1000. This represents the costs of shutdown and replacement of the solution. Essential oils, soap, hair dye and bodily fluids are strictly prohibited.
Hair DyeBrightly coloured non-permanent hair dye is not allowed in our tanks unless a clean swim cap is used. Hair dye can stain our white float tanks and often requires draining, sanding and polishing procedures to repair. Permanent (natural coloured) hair dye is fine and won’t be an issue.
ScentsFloat House offers a scent free space and we kindly ask all clients to refrain from using essential oils and perfume/cologne in the float rooms.
TattoosFloating and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful in the salt water but the solution could cause fading or discoloration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. How long you should wait before floating depends on the tattoo and how quickly it heals, but tattoo artists/floaters we have talked to have suggested waiting 4-6 weeks.
Do I need a bathing suit?We strongly recommend floating in the nude, as wearing a swim suit can take away from the sensory deprivation experience. If you feel more comfortable wearing one, you must wear a clean swim suit in the tank.
What if I'm claustrophobic?You are in complete control of your float experience; meaning you can exit and re-enter the float as many times as you need. Most (if not all) of our clients with worries about claustrophobia, come out post-float with all preconceived anxiety diminished.
What if I fall asleep?It’s not dangerous to fall asleep in the tank. In fact, it is very normal to doze off into light stages of sleep during a session. Some people even use floating for this purpose! One hour of sleep in the tank can be equivalent to 4 hours of regular sleep.
Can I float while pregnant?Yes! In fact, pregnant women probably get more relief from the float tank than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body. The float tank is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. We do, however, recommend that pregnant women avoid floating during the first trimester. If you have any concerns about the effects of floating on your pregnancy, we ask you to consult and get permission from your physician before you float.
What if I can't swim?The water in our tanks is only 10″ deep so you can sit up comfortably without having to swim. Since the water is super-saturated with 1000lbs of Epsom salts, you simply lay down and the water will completely support you. Trust the water!
I have some cuts, can I still float?We recommend against floating with large cuts or abrasions. Small cuts are ok, but we recommend using the Vaseline provided to create a barrier between your wound and the water (to minimize the sting!). If you are recovering from a surgery, we suggest waiting until your incisions are fully healed.
I recently shaved or had a body wax, can I still float?We suggest waiting 1 day after shaving and a few days after getting a body wax before coming in to float.
What if I get water in my eyes?To be frank, it's going to sting! But don’t worry, you can just open the door, grab a towel, dab the salt from your eyes, then get back in the tank. You can also hang a face cloth from the interior handle of the lid so it’s available to use just in case.
Will my skin get wrinkly?No. The high Epsom salt content of the water means that the water will not draw the salt from your skin and cause wrinkles like a bath or pool does. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal treatment for various skin conditions. It is non-toxic and is not harmful if swallowed (although it does not taste good!). Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which is why many people feel silky smooth after their float session.
Do I have to stay in the whole time?You aren’t locked in, so you can get out anytime. That said, the 75-minutes usually goes by a lot faster than you’d expect.
Can I leave the door open?Yes. Many first time floaters prefer to leave the lid open for the first few minutes to help them orient to the tank. That being said, it is not recommended to leave the tank open for the entire session as the air temperature can change, altering the overall experience.
What is Float Therapy?Enter into 10" of water with 1000 lbs of Epsom salt. Float therapy is a tool to reset the mind and body. It removes external stimulation for the mind. And it creates a weightless effect on your body.
How clean is the water?There are ~1000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our tanks. Salinity is on average around 1.27 grams per cubic centimeter. The higher and higher the salt concentration, the lower and lower the ability for microorganisms to thrive in the water. This automatically gives floatation tanks a leg up on cleanliness when compared to public pools and hot tubs. Before each session, all clients are required to shower prior to entering the tank. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is filtered through a potent filtration and sterilization system. You can find a more detailed explanation in the section below! Float Water Sanitation: At Float House Surrey, water sanitation is our top priority so we can provide a safe experience for every client. Our treatment process ensures maximum cleanliness and complies with Fraser Health standards. At the end of your float, a soothing wake-up song will signal the end of your session. As you exit and step into the post-float shower, our filtration cycle begins. + Micron Filtration The Micron Filtration System`s custom X-100 filter is able to filter particles from the water to 1 micron in size and is both NSF 50 and FDA compliant for drinking water (Class 1 Filtration). Our filters are 25 times finer than standard swimming pool filters. + UV Light & Ozone Ozone is injected automatically into the system for 15 minutes during each filtration cycle. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, destroying dangerous organisms and pathogens including chlorine resistant contaminants. During the entire filtration cycle, UV-C lamps are used to help sterilize the solution. UV-C uses powerful rays of light to prevent the spread of microorganisms, harmful bacteria, viruses, cysts and protozoa. + Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) When germicidal UV light (UV-C) reacts with ozone, the result is the production of hydroxyl radicals. This reaction is known as the Advanced Oxidation Process, or AOP. Hydroxyl radicals (OH-) are the most powerful oxidation agents available, quickly destroying bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants that occur in water. Hydroxyl radicals also destroy chlorine and bromine resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia and E.Coli. + Multiple Filtration Cycles Our filtration system is activated for 20-30 mins between each client, which effectively performs 4-6 full cycles through our treatment cycle. + Chemical Usage We maintain a residual level of bromine to comply with Fraser Health guidelines. Our staff manually test and balance the water multiple times per day to uphold optimal conditions.
Can I float with my partner?All of our tanks accommodate only 1 person. We do have multiple rooms so you can bring your partner, friend, or family member and still float at the same time (but in different rooms).
Water ContaminationContamination of our water is a serious offence and carries a financial penalty of minimum $1000. This represents the costs of shutdown and replacement of the solution. Essential oils, soap, hair dye and bodily fluids are strictly prohibited.
Hair DyeBrightly coloured non-permanent hair dye is not allowed in our tanks unless a clean swim cap is used. Hair dye can stain our white float tanks and often requires draining, sanding and polishing procedures to repair. Permanent (natural coloured) hair dye is fine and won’t be an issue.
ScentsFloat House offers a scent free space and we kindly ask all clients to refrain from using essential oils and perfume/cologne in the float rooms.
TattoosFloating and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful in the salt water but the solution could cause fading or discoloration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. How long you should wait before floating depends on the tattoo and how quickly it heals, but tattoo artists/floaters we have talked to have suggested waiting 4-6 weeks.
Do I need a bathing suit?We strongly recommend floating in the nude, as wearing a swim suit can take away from the sensory deprivation experience. If you feel more comfortable wearing one, you must wear a clean swim suit in the tank.
What if I'm claustrophobic?You are in complete control of your float experience; meaning you can exit and re-enter the float as many times as you need. Most (if not all) of our clients with worries about claustrophobia, come out post-float with all preconceived anxiety diminished.
What if I fall asleep?It’s not dangerous to fall asleep in the tank. In fact, it is very normal to doze off into light stages of sleep during a session. Some people even use floating for this purpose! One hour of sleep in the tank can be equivalent to 4 hours of regular sleep.
Can I float while pregnant?Yes! In fact, pregnant women probably get more relief from the float tank than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body. The float tank is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. We do, however, recommend that pregnant women avoid floating during the first trimester. If you have any concerns about the effects of floating on your pregnancy, we ask you to consult and get permission from your physician before you float.
What if I can't swim?The water in our tanks is only 10″ deep so you can sit up comfortably without having to swim. Since the water is super-saturated with 1000lbs of Epsom salts, you simply lay down and the water will completely support you. Trust the water!
I have some cuts, can I still float?We recommend against floating with large cuts or abrasions. Small cuts are ok, but we recommend using the Vaseline provided to create a barrier between your wound and the water (to minimize the sting!). If you are recovering from a surgery, we suggest waiting until your incisions are fully healed.
I recently shaved or had a body wax, can I still float?We suggest waiting 1 day after shaving and a few days after getting a body wax before coming in to float.
What if I get water in my eyes?To be frank, it's going to sting! But don’t worry, you can just open the door, grab a towel, dab the salt from your eyes, then get back in the tank. You can also hang a face cloth from the interior handle of the lid so it’s available to use just in case.
Will my skin get wrinkly?No. The high Epsom salt content of the water means that the water will not draw the salt from your skin and cause wrinkles like a bath or pool does. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal treatment for various skin conditions. It is non-toxic and is not harmful if swallowed (although it does not taste good!). Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which is why many people feel silky smooth after their float session.
Do I have to stay in the whole time?You aren’t locked in, so you can get out anytime. That said, the 75-minutes usually goes by a lot faster than you’d expect.
Can I leave the door open?Yes. Many first time floaters prefer to leave the lid open for the first few minutes to help them orient to the tank. That being said, it is not recommended to leave the tank open for the entire session as the air temperature can change, altering the overall experience.
What is Float Therapy?Enter into 10" of water with 1000 lbs of Epsom salt. Float therapy is a tool to reset the mind and body. It removes external stimulation for the mind. And it creates a weightless effect on your body.
How clean is the water?There are ~1000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our tanks. Salinity is on average around 1.27 grams per cubic centimeter. The higher and higher the salt concentration, the lower and lower the ability for microorganisms to thrive in the water. This automatically gives floatation tanks a leg up on cleanliness when compared to public pools and hot tubs. Before each session, all clients are required to shower prior to entering the tank. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is filtered through a potent filtration and sterilization system. You can find a more detailed explanation in the section below! Float Water Sanitation: At Float House Surrey, water sanitation is our top priority so we can provide a safe experience for every client. Our treatment process ensures maximum cleanliness and complies with Fraser Health standards. At the end of your float, a soothing wake-up song will signal the end of your session. As you exit and step into the post-float shower, our filtration cycle begins. + Micron Filtration The Micron Filtration System`s custom X-100 filter is able to filter particles from the water to 1 micron in size and is both NSF 50 and FDA compliant for drinking water (Class 1 Filtration). Our filters are 25 times finer than standard swimming pool filters. + UV Light & Ozone Ozone is injected automatically into the system for 15 minutes during each filtration cycle. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, destroying dangerous organisms and pathogens including chlorine resistant contaminants. During the entire filtration cycle, UV-C lamps are used to help sterilize the solution. UV-C uses powerful rays of light to prevent the spread of microorganisms, harmful bacteria, viruses, cysts and protozoa. + Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) When germicidal UV light (UV-C) reacts with ozone, the result is the production of hydroxyl radicals. This reaction is known as the Advanced Oxidation Process, or AOP. Hydroxyl radicals (OH-) are the most powerful oxidation agents available, quickly destroying bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other contaminants that occur in water. Hydroxyl radicals also destroy chlorine and bromine resistant microorganisms, such as Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia and E.Coli. + Multiple Filtration Cycles Our filtration system is activated for 20-30 mins between each client, which effectively performs 4-6 full cycles through our treatment cycle. + Chemical Usage We maintain a residual level of bromine to comply with Fraser Health guidelines. Our staff manually test and balance the water multiple times per day to uphold optimal conditions.
Can I float with my partner?All of our tanks accommodate only 1 person. We do have multiple rooms so you can bring your partner, friend, or family member and still float at the same time (but in different rooms).
Water ContaminationContamination of our water is a serious offence and carries a financial penalty of minimum $1000. This represents the costs of shutdown and replacement of the solution. Essential oils, soap, hair dye and bodily fluids are strictly prohibited.
Hair DyeBrightly coloured non-permanent hair dye is not allowed in our tanks unless a clean swim cap is used. Hair dye can stain our white float tanks and often requires draining, sanding and polishing procedures to repair. Permanent (natural coloured) hair dye is fine and won’t be an issue.
ScentsFloat House offers a scent free space and we kindly ask all clients to refrain from using essential oils and perfume/cologne in the float rooms.
TattoosFloating and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful in the salt water but the solution could cause fading or discoloration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. How long you should wait before floating depends on the tattoo and how quickly it heals, but tattoo artists/floaters we have talked to have suggested waiting 4-6 weeks.
Do I need a bathing suit?We strongly recommend floating in the nude, as wearing a swim suit can take away from the sensory deprivation experience. If you feel more comfortable wearing one, you must wear a clean swim suit in the tank.
What if I'm claustrophobic?You are in complete control of your float experience; meaning you can exit and re-enter the float as many times as you need. Most (if not all) of our clients with worries about claustrophobia, come out post-float with all preconceived anxiety diminished.
What if I fall asleep?It’s not dangerous to fall asleep in the tank. In fact, it is very normal to doze off into light stages of sleep during a session. Some people even use floating for this purpose! One hour of sleep in the tank can be equivalent to 4 hours of regular sleep.
Can I float while pregnant?Yes! In fact, pregnant women probably get more relief from the float tank than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body. The float tank is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. We do, however, recommend that pregnant women avoid floating during the first trimester. If you have any concerns about the effects of floating on your pregnancy, we ask you to consult and get permission from your physician before you float.
What if I can't swim?The water in our tanks is only 10″ deep so you can sit up comfortably without having to swim. Since the water is super-saturated with 1000lbs of Epsom salts, you simply lay down and the water will completely support you. Trust the water!
I have some cuts, can I still float?We recommend against floating with large cuts or abrasions. Small cuts are ok, but we recommend using the Vaseline provided to create a barrier between your wound and the water (to minimize the sting!). If you are recovering from a surgery, we suggest waiting until your incisions are fully healed.
I recently shaved or had a body wax, can I still float?We suggest waiting 1 day after shaving and a few days after getting a body wax before coming in to float.
What if I get water in my eyes?To be frank, it's going to sting! But don’t worry, you can just open the door, grab a towel, dab the salt from your eyes, then get back in the tank. You can also hang a face cloth from the interior handle of the lid so it’s available to use just in case.
Will my skin get wrinkly?No. The high Epsom salt content of the water means that the water will not draw the salt from your skin and cause wrinkles like a bath or pool does. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal treatment for various skin conditions. It is non-toxic and is not harmful if swallowed (although it does not taste good!). Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which is why many people feel silky smooth after their float session.
Do I have to stay in the whole time?You aren’t locked in, so you can get out anytime. That said, the 75-minutes usually goes by a lot faster than you’d expect.
Can I leave the door open?Yes. Many first time floaters prefer to leave the lid open for the first few minutes to help them orient to the tank. That being said, it is not recommended to leave the tank open for the entire session as the air temperature can change, altering the overall experience.
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