Anti-Gravity Effect
When floating (supine) in a high epsom salt solution, the entire body is completely supported, and you are able to float effortlessly.
Floating in a high epsom salt solution takes excess pressure off muscles and joints that may cause pain and discomfort, allowing for deep facilitated, full body relaxation. Rigid postures and chronic muscular tension from daily life can cause ailments such as lower-back pain, neck pain, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, etc. The anti-gravity environment of the float tank disperses forces to the smallest amount and thus decreases the source of gravity-related stimulation to the minimum possible value providing relief to these specific areas. Arthritis, back pain, neck pain, tendinitis, bursitis, inflammation, and psychosomatic pain relief have all been documented via float use.
The anti-gravity effect during a float takes pressure off of the musculoskeletal system and liberates areas of the brain allowing for enhanced awareness of internal states (interoception). With literally zero outward distractions your attention is easily redirected inward. Habitual thought-pattern recognition and analysis can be clearly discovered, monitored, and addressed. Various forms of mental programming/reprogramming become very powerful tools to re-evaluate and change your thoughts with clarity and repetition.