Float Therapy Benefits
Backed by science!
Reduction in blood pressure and cortisol levels
Decrease in pain areas, stress, anxiety, and depression, with an increase in sleep quality
Effective stress management tool
Current guidelines recommend both physical and cognitive rest (away from stimulation)
Neuronal pathways are blocked so you are forced to utilize secondary pathways, which are unfamiliar and slow
Floating (sensory deprivation) allows the brain to begin rerouting and utilizing those secondary pathways
Alleviates burnout symptoms like fatigue, lack of energy, and insomnia
Decreases anxiety and depression with increases to a positive outlook on life
Effective protocol for those working in high-stress environments like first responders, nurses, etc
Professional sports teams use float tanks to deal with high pressure moments
Mental imagery and rehearsal is enhanced in a relaxed state - Reflexive Relaxation Response
Sensory deprivation allows you to more easily enter the Theta State
Direct reflection of your internal processes
Ability to work with your mind by going into your float with a specific "intention"
Reflexive Relaxation Response elicits an optimal state of mind to work on problems without external distraction
Relieves physical pain
Those with more severe perceived pain intensity show greater benefits
3 theories: (1) Anti-Gravity Effect, (2) Magnesium, (3) Reflexive Relaxation Response
Activates the parasympathetic nervous system - Reflexive Relaxation Response
Many people suffering from PTSD often develop comorbid disorders
Floating can help dampen comorbid disorders like anxiety, depression, and insomnia
Insomnia can be amplified with stress, anxiety, and muscle tension
Makes it easier for the brain to downshift from alpha waves into theta waves - Theta State
Allows your muscles to reach deep levels of relaxation - Anti-Gravity Effect
Takes excess pressure off muscles and joints that may cause pain and discomfort - Anti-Gravity Effect
Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Magnesium acts as a natural calcium blocker, allowing for a deep facilitated, full-body relaxation
Effective stress management tool
Reduces insomnia by training your brain to downshift between brain waves - Theta State
Magnesium deficiency is common in those with fibromyalgia
Activates the parasympathetic nervous system - Reflexive Relaxation Response​
3x benefit residual compared to modern prescription medication (lasts 3x longer)
Ability to create new associations with physiological sensations - Reciprocal Inhibition
Reduces external stimulation which can often trigger a headache/migraine
Blood flow increases which can counter blood vessel constriction
Effective treatment for chronic tension headaches
Improves sleep quality, which is widely known as the best recovery strategy for athletes
Decreases blood lactate following maximal eccentric exercise
Magnesium helps your muscle cells relax after contracting to ease muscle soreness and promote muscle recovery
Often a comorbid condition
Reduces state anxiety, stress, muscle tension, pain, depression, and negative affect, while significantly improves mood
Those with more severe anxiety and depression report greater benefits